New Website Design Up & Running

We’ve got the new website up & running here. Still working out a few kinks but the basic layout is done, and might I say pretty badass too. This new To All My Dear Friends site will be your one stop source for news, tour dates, cool band pictures and more! I spent a lot of time designing this website from scratch (I being Marc Hennessey, the instrumentalist of To All My Dear Friends). I could of made a boring blog for our site, like many others have done…


…but I didn’t want to. I wanted something unique. Something creative that you would want to come back to often. Did I succeed? You be the judge. Feel free to drop me a line at with your comments on how the site looks and feels (I was aiming for velour).

Anywho, I’m a violinist, not a graphic designer… I now have a headache from all this website making. I’m going to go take a bath. See you soon next year, in a town near you.
