last week i was in cocoa florida. played a show at a neat venue call 321 local. super fun night, although they butchered my name a bit. i met a guy in the local cocoa band “my dearest friends” which is probably why the person making the flier confused the name.
staying in merritt island with family, why is it that small children are so talented with legos? i love the four soldiers on the wings. they’ve sure got their job cut out for them.
kitty must know that I’m allergic to cats… so she takes a nap right on my computer bag.
made it to the atlantic ocean for the sunrise. there’s something so powerful and mesmerizing about this huge ocean.
the orlando show turned into a dance party after the performances. loved the opportunity to see such talent as maximino and dark sea of awareness perform.
got to spend a relaxing morning on the beach with amy from lighthouse music. the saint augustine show was such a fun time. very intimate experience at budget records with the band the best of synthia. i spent the next few days getting over sun poisoning. shows how white i am. jeez.
in jacksonville i got to hang out with my good friend siddie! she made homemade crackers and hummus. yum!
as payment for her kindness, massage et al, i mowed siddie’s forest of a backyard so now hopefully she’s out there doing yoga and having friends over for barbecues and such 🙂
played at a beautiful outdoor venue in jacksonville called underbelly. love their logo!
finally i am out of florida. being away from the comfort of family and friends, this tour is really getting on. goodbye florida. you will be missed.
as a reminder of where i was just one month ago, here is one of my many checklists to keep me on track. i believe this was my last one before hitting the road, with subcategories and all.