check out this amazing artwork created on the streets of asheville north carolina by the very talented henry j. sullivan!

henry j sullivan artwork


check out the details!

hery j sullivan artwork detailed


wow this is beautiful! i love that artists share their art with me when i share music with them on the streets.



i’ve been away from this journal for awhile now. moved the band to asheville north carolina and soon after ended up with a lot on my plate (everything vegan of course). started working with a new drummer, integrating into this town, and creating a new tour strategy. it’s been a productive winter though and i think it’s time to start paying attention to my thoughts again. haha.

i came up with this really awesome tour strategy recently. imagine asheville (my home base) as the center of a flower petal.


as a touring musician, it’s always been hard booking shows on mondays, tuesdays and wednesdays. so i figure, why not get rid of them for now? each petal will represent a weekend route for touring. friday, saturday and sunday. monday morning back in asheville. simple as that.

so yeah, see ya soon eastern united states. come spring and summer, we all shall blossom.

