Throughout the world, if you’ve walked the streets of any major city, you’ve probably heard the occasional street performer. Sometimes you can’t pinpoint their location and the sound becomes an intoxicating breeze. Other times you’ll catch it head on in all it’s splendor.

Although, not every busking artist is worth a listen. Yet if you spend some time this summer in Asheville North Carolina then you may find a treat. To All My Dear Friends recently created a portable street worthy setup and has been using it throughout the streets of downtown Asheville.


The design is entirely battery powered. Marc created it with ecological impact in mind. He made the box frame entirely from reclaimed wood. All the electronics use rechargeable lithium ion batteries and so there is no physical waste from the pedals themselves. The amplifier uses built-in 12V lithium ion batteries. Everything is lightweight and easy to transport.


The term busking has been around since the mid 1800s. Before the advent of recording, it was a common means of employment for entertainers. Marc first decided to try his hand at it when he noticed how popular Asheville North Carolina was for tourists.

“I’d seen other musicians doing this through watching videos on YouTube and the like. I figured, there’s gotta be a way I can do that without wasting resources.”

Burning through a pile of batteries each week does not aid in the creative process. So Marc did some research and got to work.

“Instead of working through old material, I challenge myself on the street by always playing new music. It’s improvisation. I can equate it to backing myself into a corner and then trying to find a way out. I enjoy the challenge.”

Not only has he found another way to get TAMDF out into the world, but he makes a few bucks during the process. This money can go towards the next album, due out early next year.
