i would like to introduce to you the third newest member of the band?


meet thumb piano. isn’t he cute?


i’m thinking about adding him to my live setup. just gotta work out some of the technical details. i picked him up last year at a world music shop in new york city while on tour. keep an eye out for him next time you see tamdf on stage.



new jersey really isn’t all that bad. i just don’t get the bad rep. for starters, they’ve got a great view of manhattan.



plus you have to drive underwater to get to jersey by car. awesome!


(i know, i know. i shouldn’t be taking pictures while driving through tunnels underwater)


and the people are great! i spent most of my time hanging out with marc & noah from local ska band the penniless loafers.



(just so you know, i’m very proud of that panoramic shot of manhattan. would you believe i took it with my cell phone? technology is crazy)



9 million people crammed into a tiny little slither of land. new york city. there’s nothing quite like it. but where else can you “arrive by bicycle” and receive a 15% discount?



i had a blast wondering around the city. best part was the food of course. the apartment show i played in upper manhattan turned out to be a freegan potluck. yum!


i ate authentic chinese cuisine at an authentic chinese restaurant in chinatown.



want to know how to tell it’s authentic? the tsingtao beer in the top right corner.


actually, tsintao’s history is kinda funny. it’s china’s largest brewery but it was founded by german settlers.


i checked out the progress on the new world trade centers while in town.


figured i would need an equally patriotic pose for such a patriotic endeavor.


best veggie dogs ever? crif dogs in the lower east side.



and after two days of aimlessly wondering the city, i took a much needed nap on some marble steps near the bay.





usa usa usa usa usa. not. so i found the hotspot for watching fireworks. dunkirk new york. seriously though. it’s along the coast of lake erie and at least 1000 people showed up for the show.

as soon as the first explosion went off, people started shouting “usa usa usa usa…” and i couldn’t help but laugh. they’re proud to be american and they’re proud to blow stuff up.

but i know too many proud americans that spend their days smoking pot or popping pills and playing video games while living on a government loan. america had so much potential back in 1776 when independence was declared. perhaps we’re just in a rut?

why should i complain though? there are very few places in the world where i could safely travel around playing music full-time. it only takes a little bit of hard work. we can stop idly bathing in our independence with just a little bit of hard work. get something done. make a difference in the world. make a difference in our country. create something beautiful. something meaningful.

none the less, the fireworks were pretty.



