hanging out with a fellow violinist on the streets of asheville north carolina.
his mom sent me this photo. adorable!
hanging out with a fellow violinist on the streets of asheville north carolina.
his mom sent me this photo. adorable!
here’s a normal day for me on the job.
oh yeah life.
we had a happening last night on the streets of asheville north carolina. doesn’t happen very often (pun intended) but when it does.. whew it’s magical. here’s a snapshot i grabbed in between playing violin tunes.
yeah he was painting while i played music! and there were dancers, balloon twisters (do you see the miniature jerry garcia balloon in the top right corner?), plus face painting! it was magical.
sometimes when i’m playing music downtown, a protest will march by and i become the soundtrack to their cause. this one’s a good cause to be the soundtrack to.
introducing to all my dear friends, performed by a duck.
i don’t actually sing on the streets
but is sure does look it.
well here it is. my newest setup on the streets. woo hoo!
this will make a great memory later. here’s my street setup at a festival i played this weekend.
check out this amazing artwork created on the streets of asheville north carolina by the very talented henry j. sullivan!
check out the details!
wow this is beautiful! i love that artists share their art with me when i share music with them on the streets.
well not really. playing on the streets though!
and with friends! here i’m jamming on violin with my good friend peter levitov on handpans.